Sunday, September 28, 2008

the season of tacki- ness

is with us again

yes folks, as the sun beats down on the dusty arena after six rainless months, the Windoek junk fair aka the Windhoek Show is with us again. All the same stands from the same outfits, all the tatty stalls in the tatty halls offering the rubbish that won't sell in South Africa anymore, all the condemned rusty fairground rides which they got from who know where (a few fewer each year, since some must have collapsed in the meanwhile) - it's there.
It does have a kind of old fashioned charm - it dimly reminds me of when I used to get taken to the Rand Show in Johannesburg in the 50's when I was a kid. But now, not. For the N$20 admission you could still buy a couple of litres of gas, and get yourself well away from it.


Unknown said...

yah sure

Unknown said...

all is tru

Unknown said...

Great subject. I have been playing around with the idea of the comment structure recently.

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