(and ugliest)
building opened in windhoek the other day
That thing on top? a lop-sided storage tank left from the construction operation, about to be taken away? No, that is the architectural feature. Since the pic was taken, the 'tank' has been finished in a nice zinc colour - like an old fashioned upturned batch tub.
Must be suffocating under the hot spring time Namibian sun - either that or be contributing an awsome carbon load to the local environment from the power used by its aircons.
Of course, it is the new headquarters of a household name accountancy firm, so they could employ the best architects. But in Windhoek you can be mixing cement one week and be a successful practicing architect the next.
And why situated down a quiet, narrow residential side street? Because of the City of Windhoek's policy to zone peaceful residential areas to office blocks, thereby cocking a snoot at the wealthy white residents of the area, and giving the value of their houses a knock.
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