long derided as a toothless tiger, is at last swinging into action. First they moved into shiny new offices. Then they arrested the chief accountant of the national assembly, and now they are going to go around the country arresting all the other Chief Accountants, which is a good starting point. But why stop there? Once the momentum is going, they should slap the ‘cuffs on every corrupt official and member of government they can find. Many would applaud these measures, but there are two problems:
a) We would have no Government left
b) Where would we keep all the arrested officials?
Let me deal with the second point first. Obviously there is no space in Namibian jails for all the corrupt officials, but we could ask the US if we could borrow their secret prisons in Romania and Poland, and there might be still some room in Guantanamo. This would have the added advantage that the corrupt suspects would simply disappear for ever, and we would not have the bother of trying them.
If we have no Government left, we would be in a similar state to Somalia which has had no government for 15 years, but we might do it better, since we do not have the trouble caused by Islamists and clan factions etc., and we have a bigger tourist industry than Somalia. Provided we can avoid being invaded by Ethiopia or the US, we might achieve the ultimate in what some political theorists advocate – small government, in fact a government so small it has vanished.
Of course, the members of the ACC would still be around, so they would become the de facto government. Maybe that is what they are working towards – their ‘hidden agenda’.
STOP THE PRESS and cancel the above! On today's news we hear that the top brass of the ACC are under investigation for accepting unentitled salary bonuses....we might have guessed.
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