We get a lot of eminent people
and advisors visiting Namibia. Some a bit long in the tooth. Lately there has been one from Finland, apparently the former chief technical advisor to to country's best-known cell phone company, which cannot be named here. Amidst much ballyhoo, he was introduced as a man who had actually had a satellite named after him. This turned out to be an asteroid, but when I checked the Minor Planets directory for asteroid Neuvo, it seems that it was discovered and named in 1938, a few years even before our expert's birth. Anyway.
He gave a guest lecture at the Polytechnic, at which all staff and students compulorily attended. Alarmingly, he appeared to have a terminal case of ephysema, unless it was an unusually thick Finnish accent, so it was difficult to make him out. The talk was mystifying entitled "Leadership in the 21st century" but was more in the nature of a rambling commercial for his present or former company. Wonder why N****a shares went down 20% during 2006?
Next day, he was the guest speaker at the Polytechnic's graduation cermony, at which again attendance is obligatory. Here again, on the subject of technology in national development, it was difficult to make much out - the hundreds of students at the back didnot got anything, and were on the verge of muttering revolt. To the extent to which anything could be heard, he managed the feat of making the technology of the coming century incomprehensible and boring.
So maybe a few fewer superannuated experts in future.
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