of the Devil inquiring (in Afrikaans) about citizenship or at least temporary residence in the hellish climate now being experienced. [ack to Republikein]
It struck me, though, that the best solution in coping with the heat would be to abandon the ‘North European’ style working day, in favour of a siesta based arrangement. How about if the Namibian working day started at 0500? People would work until a brunch break at about 1000, then carry on until about 1330 when the heat is really beginning to kick in. But by then you will have done the equivalent of a normal working day, and you can go home to sleep it off. The afternoons would be quiet as the grave, under the burning sun, left to ‘mad dogs’ and the informal sector.
Shops would keep to a similar schedule, but if necessary, they could open for an evening session for shoppers from say 1800 to 2000. People could eat dinner after 1900, when things are cooling off, and be in bed by 2100. This is not only healthy, but would give time and opportunity for some romantic interaction with your partner. (Not to mention that you could have had similar opportunity in the afternoon). You are not losing out on anything, seeing that there is **** *** to do in Windhoek at night anyway.
Other advantages – think of the saving in office air conditioners switched off in the afternoon (and in electricity at night from people going to bed early). Consider the benefits to our captains of industry, who are big in import/export to the Far East, seeing that by 0500 in Namibia, Delhi and Beijing are well into their business day. And because America is still slumbering, Internet speeds are amazing.
Of course in winter we could reverse things – get up at about 0900 on dark mornings……
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