and more ugli fica tions
.....another newly erected eyesore in the middle of Windhoek is the addition to the College of the Arts, a rather beautiful 'colonial' building even with an ugly '70's extension next door. It had a nice little garden with rockery and lawn sloping down to the road (Fidel Castro St.), where students used to sit after lessons - now an spiky metal fence surrounds the whole (see pictures). Such a fine sludge colour too. A notice on the fence proclaims it to be the work of HJ Schulze so if you want an ugly fence of your very own you know where to go. Maybe there were security concerns at the college; but the only disaster I know of was when a member of staff, either playing computer games or trying to destroy financial records after hours, set fire to the main reception office. Spend the money rather on a new piano, or other instruments? You must be joking.
All part of the Namibian suburban periphery protection paranoia, of which more next time.
bill torbitt
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