Has anyone noticed
Our Founding Father's fabulous fence going up around the new State House? It is just as grand as the railings around Buckingham Palace, and much grander than the fence around the White House (see pictures). And what are the gold medallions/logos adorning each section? They seem to bear no resemblance to any Namibian state coat of arms. Maybe they are leftovers from some Nanjing trade fair? Actually the upper logo looks suspiciously like a crown - is a monarchy creeping in by the back door?
You can imagine what the fence must cost (per meter, and it stretches for a couple of kilometres) - what does that imply about the cost of the House?
Of course, this illustrates the law that the grandeur of the presidential palace plus motorcade of any country, and the prosperity of the average citizen of that country, are in inverse proportion to each other.
The golden barrier may be intended to keep the peasants a) out and b) in awe; but so were the walls of Jericho and the great gates of Babylon, and, if I remember the Bible correctly, they didn't work out.